Saturday, September 24, 2022

A Gathering

 Last week I could hear a lot of bird noise outside and looked out to see this large gathering of Starlings on a nearby cell phone tower. The nearby tree was also full of them as they all chattered away at each other. There was a steady stream of them coming and going for quite a while.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. A significant gathering, indeed. I wonder if they are predicting the upcoming weather or if the cell towers effect the birds in some way.

  2. A family reunion!
    Have a blessed day!

  3. They are all gathering this time of year for their flight south to warmer weather.

  4. I had to look up what one might call a group of starlings. I know they use murmuration for when they all fly together, and I think they use it for this stationary conglomeration too. Not positive though

  5. Hello :=)
    This is an unusual sighting. Great picture!

  6. I think this is how starling murmurations begin.

  7. It's interesting how they gather in one place for a while. I've seen that happen a few times around the roof of the building next door to me and then they take to the air in a murmuration, swooping here and there all together. It's fascinating to watch.

  8. Wow! I hardly see any of them anymore :(

  9. Sometimes they can pick the strangest places to hangout.

  10. Numerous of them on the signs or mobile receivers?

    Great urban shot

  11. Oh my goodness that's quite the gathering!

  12. Yes, it is very exciting to hear and see their conclaves! One really feels alive

  13. Wonder if somebody hear something through its phone by so much bird sound.

  14. Starlings never miss a moment of chatter when they come in to roost. They are like one big gigantic family at the end of the day.

  15. Wow, that is a sight. I am sure they were very loud.
    Sorry, I am late visiting. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy new week ! PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.
