Saturday, September 17, 2022

Overhead Danger

For some reason the pigeons like to sit on these wires which are right by the sidewalk leading to a local grocery store. The sidewalk is covered in bird droppings so you really have to watch out for your footing and for danger from above when you walk to the store. Nothing seems to discourage them. 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I have noticed here that flocks of sparrows seem to like the same set of electric lines. I wonder why. I see them there a lot, but at least they are not over a sidewalk!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. How interesting! It makes you want to look up....but better keep your head down and pick up the pace! lol

  3. That is a lot of pigeons, I would not want to walk under them.
    I usually see more blackbirds perched on the wires. Maybe a few Doves.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  4. It must be their favorite meeting spot. It does make you wonder, why this spot.

  5. They are showing off to every Air Canada plane that flies over.✈ ✈

  6. That is a sizable flock of pigeons on those wires making a great photographic subject. But pigeons can be a problem in urban areas. Perhaps you need a few hawks to patrol the area?

  7. Hello, I saw the exact same thing last week. Rows and rows of pigeons and doves perched on overhead wires. I was in the car, just passing by, but took a photo through the windscreen. Why they do this, is a mystery.

  8. Its that time of the year that the birds forming groups to go to the south.

  9. Here they seem to congregate on flat roofed buildings.

  10. They are all over the power lines!

  11. Oh they are a nuisance. Great shot nevertheless!

  12. It's mathematics! That's why:

    And that's why I love photos like this and take my own! Thank you (and I'm sorry they are a nuisance).

  13. I don’t think Leonard Cohen had this situation in mind. 😎

  14. Birds around here are flocking on the wires, too. I don't understand it.
