Monday, November 7, 2022

A Fitting Tribute

This 8 storey high mural was recently completed along University Ave. It is a tribute to Terry Fox,  the great Canadian hero, and his Marathon of Hope. He was a cancer survivor who set out in 1980 to run across the country with one artificial leg to raise money for cancer research. Unfortunately after 143 days and 5,373 km his cancer had returned and he was forced to stop. He died not long afterwards. Terry Fox runs take place each fall across the country and other places around the world and have raised millions of dollars for cancer research.

The artists for this one are Alexander Bacon and Que Rock along with a team of 20 others. 400 cans of spray paint were used.

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. The Terry Fox story is a sad one, but he is a perfect subject for this huge mural. Great to feature this mural, RedPat.

  2. A very fitting tribute indeed. I love seeing murals that give recognition to well deserving people.

  3. That's an inspiring person Pat. Thank you so much for sharing

  4. Just 400 cans?! I can't imagine it taking any less.

  5. So sad. Cancer took away my family, too.
    A great mural, he was so brave.

  6. Nice to see him memorialized this way.

  7. I remember him, what a sad story but this mural is a beautiful tribute to Terry and helps keep his story alive.

  8. It is a wonderful mural and tribute to Terry!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  9. A fine mural of a fine man. I admire anyone who can decide to bring something positive out of adversity and what a shame his cancer forced him to stop.

  10. A colourful mural with school sports theme

  11. He was a hero when he was on his Marathon of Hope.

  12. I do remember his story. Great tribute mural to an inspiring person.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.

  13. Lindo homenaje. Me encanta.
    Un abrazo.
