Tuesday, November 1, 2022

November Theme: Soft

The November theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is soft and I offer this shot from my archives showing how a gentle snowfall can soften everything it touches. I hope we don't see a scene like this one for at least a couple of months but it does look like a soft place to sit if you were dressed for it. 

Taking part in the theme Soft. Click HERE to see more examples of soft from around the world.


  1. I am looking forward to a short winter.

  2. Excellent choice for the theme. I remember how quiet things were after a fresh snow. Everything seemed to be softly muffled.

  3. Our first snow may be just around the corner, and I hate to be reminded of that. But yes, it is soft looking.

  4. The snow looks very soft, great take on the theme.

  5. This is so soft like a white fluffy carpet!

  6. Snow snow snow!!!!!!!

    *happy dance, exit stage left pursued by an angry mob with pitchforks and torches*

  7. Great choice for the theme. I am hoping for a mild winter!

    Take care, enjoy your day!

  8. For a moment I thought snow already but then I read it was a photo from the past. Looks very soft indeed.

  9. Wow, I like this oldie but goodie and once again I was too busy around the posting for the theme month and missed it again! Good choice for soft.
