Saturday, November 12, 2022

Putting On Weight Before Winter

It has been fun watching the antics of the squirrels as they feed on the keys found on the Manitoba Maple trees just off my deck. They seem to spend most of the day out there. Usually there are 2 black squirrels and 1 grey one and they each grab their own area for snacking. All 3 of them are juveniles so their fur is in great shape and the black ones are very black as you can see in this shot. 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. I am given to understand that the black squirrels are really gray squirrels. It’s just that they’re black. This comment has nothing to do with your post. 😀

  2. Hello,
    The Black squirrels are pretty, I do not see the Black ones here only the gray squirrel. Cute photo. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. Always fun watching the squirrels at their antic. You are lucky to have varieties of squirrels to watch.

  4. Hello:=)

    It is always fun to watch squirrels. Here I only see red ones, but whatever their colour, their cute behaviour is entertaining.

  5. They are chowing down on tasty treats while they still can.

  6. The black squirrels are so beautiful...nicer looking than our grey squirrels. We are watching ours digging up the yard to bury nuts!

  7. Never seen a black one. Ours are all out and about as the weather here is still exceptionally mild.

  8. Fattening up for winter is what I love doing in my spare time!

  9. They sure are entertaining to watch. I've yet to see one here.

  10. Will have to find stronger and stronger limbs. :-)

  11. I'm not sure if we have the black grey squirrels here in the UK.It may be just a North America variation.

  12. Always such nice cuties in your posts.

  13. Your black squirrels strike my eye every time! It's evident you have a great relationship with them
