Sunday, November 20, 2022

Red Truck

This red truck was spotted in a laneway outside a mechanic's shop. It is a '67 Ford 100 and is in great shape as even the paint looks like it could be original. Pretty good for 55 years old.


  1. Looks nearly new to me. Very well dried up in its age.

  2. I always enjoy seeing the old ones!
    Have a blessed day!

  3. That looks very much like one my dad had only his was blue. Knowing my dad, he would have much preferred the red.

  4. That is indeed a great looking truck built back when pickup trucks were utilitarian vehicles, not luxury rides.

  5. Hello,
    Cool truck, the Ford trucks are very popular.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy new week!

  6. I had 1990 Ford Ranger and it lasted m 24 years and then I sold it. Ford makes a great truck.
