Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Annex Glory

 This 8,000 sq ft house in the Annex neighbourhood was built in 1909 and designed by a noted architect. It has had only 3 owners throughout its time but is now for sale for $10,000,000. It has one of the biggest lots in the Annex and one wonders if the property ends up being divided and the house demolished despite an interior that looks gorgeous in the realty shots.


  1. That is a beautiful house, but I am surprised it is still a single family home. Most of the large early 20th Century houses near the city centers have become used by large organizations. I suspect much of the value here is the land.

  2. Looks nice enough, slightly different architecture in the background!

  3. I hope it doesn't get split up or heaven forbid, demolished. However, $10 million is a very heavy price tag. I see a high-rise is looming in the background.

  4. I'm sure land grabbers would love seeing it demolished. It is a beautiful house and surely someone could find a new use for it.

  5. It is hard to believe these prices. Our poor kids in Vancouver... Thank goodness they are in a co-op.

  6. It is hard to believe such a stunning house could be demolished, but I am sure there as here, we have seen it all before.

  7. Its also a nice contrast with the building behind.

  8. Spectacular beautiful house. Here's hoping it never gets demolished.

  9. It would be interesting to know the result.

  10. Dos arquitectusas muy distintas. Me gusta esa casa.
    Un abrazo.
