Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Red Dragon

This float from the Chinese community may not be the largest in the Santa Claus parade but it is one of the most striking ones with that impressive dragon.

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. ...this is something that you won't in every community.

  2. That is a fine looking dragon. In Chinese culture the dragon is a symbol of good fortune, and not at all like the terrifying European view of the dragon as terrifying and scary, so it is appropriate for a Christmas parade. Another fine photo from this parade.

  3. Nice one but the truth is I like "Pete's Dragon" the the best.

  4. Love it! A reminder that New Year's is coming the year of the water. Rabbit will be a lot gentler than the tiger was. Have a wonderful day. Pat

  5. A dragon throwing a snowball. Thats very funny and a first for me.Nice.

  6. That is a spectacular statue of a dragon, it looks quite impressive! ~ Ms. Donyarific
