Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Birds

Shortly after seeing yesterday's Cardinal I was walking along and could see some birds sitting atop a tall fence right by the sidewalk. I assumed that they were pigeons and would fly away when I got closer but they didn't move and then I realized they were metal crows and they had been placed all along the fence. I could use some to scare the squirrels away from the deck.


  1. Left overs from Alfred Hitchcock's movie The Birds? ~(‾▿‾)~

  2. Hello,
    They almost look real, I wonder if they do scare the squirrels.
    Happy Sunday, have a happy new week!

  3. Cute! Squirrels, however, are very bold and unlikely to be fooled for long.

  4. where I live, they use statues of owls on the roof to keep the pigeons off the roof. It seems to work, I don't see many pigeons around but it doesn't seem to bother the other birds...thankfully.

  5. i guess that is one way to keep the pigeons away r at least try to keep them away.

  6. Crows or ravens? I tend to think ravens come into the cities while crows stay out among the cornfields in the country. But I guess if they are metal they can be whatever they want.

  7. A fine bit of art along that wall. Given their color perhaps they are crows?

  8. We have a black one made of plastic. Kept the pigeons at bay - for a while... (I wanted the food for the little birds).
