Wednesday, January 18, 2023


This elegant sign appeared a while ago on a building that looks rather unoccupied but in reality houses a company that makes high end winter jackets that are vegan and cruelty free. No down or fur is used. I went on a tour recently of older industrial buildings that are to be reused and the tour included this place. The interior is a wonderful space with exposed bricks and polished concrete floors. You never know what is behind closed doors. 

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Interesting!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. What an great concept and I love the name.

  3. ...and no woodpecker feathers?

  4. It seems a bit odd that they opened up for a tour when the window coverings suggest such secrecy.

  5. That is a fine looking sign. I thought it might be a company selling wood working tools, but no, coats. This is the time of year when everyone needs a warm coat. Thank you for your comment today, and I could not agree with you more.

  6. The sign is nice and the building interior sounds better than how the outside looks. Take care, have a great day!

  7. The inside sounds inviting. I wonder if they are planning to uncover the windows.

  8. There is a sign but where is the bird?
