Wednesday, February 1, 2023

February Theme: Virtue

The February theme for the City Daily Photo community is Virtue which I found to be a hard one. I chose this shot of the toddler learn to skate session at the skating rink in Christie Pits Park. The little ones are showing courage being out there on slippery ice with thin blades under their feet. Courage is a virtue isn't it? 

Taking part in the theme Virtue. Click HERE to see more examples of virtue from around the world.


  1. I never learned to skate, too scared of falling!
    Of course, here in the south it was roller skating when I was a child.
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Oh that's perfect. Yes, courage is certainly a virtue and so is the patience of the parent doing the teaching. Good one.

  3. It is indeed. Good take on the theme.

    I never learned how to skate either.

  4. I took skating lessons when I was young, but it was not one of my favorite activities. Great photo and take on the theme. Take care, have a great day!

  5. Ice skating was great fun as a kid, but those days are long past for me. Your photo brings back memories.

  6. Que buena pista. Se aprende pronto.
    Un abrazo.

  7. Sorry I went off the deep end when I picked this theme. But, hey, what's more Canadian on February 1 than an ice rink?

  8. They're more courageous than me - that's a skill I never mastered.

  9. Nice explanation for the theme virtue. Great capture

  10. Been a few decades since I last tried that. Nice one for the theme day.

  11. Courage is indeed a virtue. One that we all need to practice every day in this crazy topsy-turvy. Beautiful world of ours. Wishing you all the best, Pat

  12. It for sure needs courage to do for the first time.

  13. Wife just posted a pic of grandson’s early days at skating and hokey as a Timbit. Neat memory.
