Saturday, February 25, 2023

On The Tightrope

When driving I often see squirrels crossing above the roadways along the overhead wires but never can get a shot. One day I was on a small street and this squirrel was on a long wire (about 50 ft) so I pulled over and managed to catch a shot before it reached the tree. I don't remember squirrels doing this when I was a kid but maybe there were not thick wires around for internet etc in those days.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Agile little creatures, aren't they? I just wish they weren't clever enough to get into my loft-space from time to time.

  2. The squirrels are brave walking on the wires. I only see them walking on my deck railing looking for peanuts. Great capture!

    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  3. I've seen them do that in the countryside.

  4. he has a future in tightrope walking!! i'm happy for you, that you finally got a good snap!! have a great weekend!!!

  5. Squirrels are amazing acrobats high in the air, but I have seen them fall. They just look embarrassed and run off.

  6. Practicing for the big tightrope events coming up in the summer. :)

  7. Squirrels are agile little rascals. Cute though.

  8. They can climb anywhere I think! Neat have to be fast to get one like this!

  9. It is amazing watching these little tightrope walkers. Oddly enough, there aren't many squirrels in the town where I live. Maybe owls and such eat them, but I've not seen many owls either.

  10. Another carefree critter without fear!
