Sunday, April 23, 2023

Couldn't Resist

This walkway that runs between two empty buildings is always fenced off and chained so that you can't get in but on a recent day the fence was open so of course I headed in. I kept waiting for someone to yell at me but saw no one. I did find some murals and some other art though. I'll show one of the murals tomorrow.


  1. I love it when something like that happens. A new place to explore.

  2. A shame the murals are hidden behind a chained fence. Why not sneak a look.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  3. You are an explorer! That's cool Pat

  4. Pat... you hit the jackpot. The worst that could happen is that they ask you to leave.

  5. Fine perspective in your photo. I am looking forward to seeing what murals you found on tomorrow's post. RedPat, just remember what curiosity did to the cat, so be careful.

  6. Glad you took the steps in to the unknown so it will be known to all of us. :)

  7. Fences are never much fun, glad you were able to walk in.

  8. Oooohhh, glad you weren't caught! :-)

  9. Alleys can be so interesting!!

  10. The ladder fire escape kinda made me chuckle. Maybe not the safest escape possible. :-)

  11. Why not? My camera often leads me into places that I'm not sure about. The murals look bold and colourful - looking forward to a closer look.
