Sunday, May 28, 2023

Pink Lovelies

These beautiful Redbud trees were spotted on the U of T campus. It seems that one result of global warming is that we are getting some species of plants that couldn't survive our winters before but now are becoming more & more common here.


  1. I hope that the trees keep on doing this for years to come.

  2. Beautiful. I need to check the cherry-trees in the neighborhood-street!

  3. It’s pretty. I’m not a fan of global warming, though. In fact, I’m very uneasy about it.

  4. A pity they'll never be allowed to become mature trees as they're far too close to the buildings. Why do they do that?

  5. I have always loved Redbud trees, but they never used to grow north of Iowa. Global warming is increasing their range. BTW, your are right, the insanity in my country continues unchecked by rational thought.

  6. Hello,
    I love the redbud trees, pretty blooms.
    Have a great new week!

  7. It is a true gem in the city jungle
