Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Taking Down The Crane

I often wondered how they remove the crane after a condo has been built and now have the answer - they bring in another crane to do it. This mid rise building has reached its top so a mobile crane was brought in and the building's crane was removed in sections and put onto flatbed trucks. The scary part for me was watching the 2 guys crawling around on the sections of the old crane to attach the cables. Not a job I would do for anything in the world. You can see them in the upper middle of the shot.


  1. Going up and then coming down is a very tricky thing to do.

  2. Oh my gosh, that gives me the shivers just thinking about it.

  3. I would be nervous just watching the workers.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. Those guys give that sinking feeling you know where.

  5. Not a job for me. I never thought about how these cranes get taken down. Thanks for sharing, Pat.

  6. Workers have to attach the lift cables, and then unbolt the crane section. No, not a job I would want either. That's why I stayed in school so I wouldn't have to do things like this.

  7. That looks like a hazardous job to do

  8. I often wondered about the high rise steelworkers. Many of them were Native Americans who seemed to have no fear at all. I can't even look!

  9. I have a crane operator as a Flickr contact. He takes a lot of photos while at work.

  10. Es increíble la altura que pueden alcanzar estas grúas.
    Un abrazo.
