Sunday, July 30, 2023

A Gift

A friend gave me an envelope of wildflower seeds which she collected last year near their cottage. I planted them out on the deck and have had a wonderful assortment of pretty flowers popping open. These small flowers are my favourites so far but there are still more buds to open. I think these may be Arnica flowers but if anyone knows better please let me know.


  1. They are pretty flowers, I like the colors.
    Take care, have a great week!

  2. Now that is an amazing gift that lives on!

  3. These are very pretty. How lucky to have these growing on your deck.

  4. Absolutely makes me smile!
    To answer your question, tree frog are nocturnal, and seem to come back to the same spot in the morning. Or end up there.
    They do sit quietly all day. Mostly sleeping!

  5. Not sure what these flowers are, but they are beautiful.

  6. Google says they are Golden Tickseed.

  7. Good idea for the garden or a section of it.
