Friday, July 14, 2023

A Refuge From The Heat

 We had really humid hot days a week ago and one day as I was driving by a small park I pulled in. What a relief it was to step into the shade of the trees onto the cool grass. One end of the park has this nice playground which later in the day will be filled with kids. It is hard to tell but there is a very busy roadway just beyond those trees.


  1. ...shade makes a HUGE difference.

  2. I bet the children will be playing out in the sun however hot it gets.

  3. Looks indeed like a nice place to take some time off.

  4. Yup! The days this year seemed to extra hot.

  5. The trees are beautiful, green spaces in the cities are beneficial.
    It does help with the heat. Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. What a lovely park. I must say, I'm glad we don't have the humidity to go with our heat.

  7. As our world gets hotter, we will appreciate our shady trees even more.

  8. We need our little climate oasis. Yes indeed!

  9. I like to hide under the foliage as well

  10. A nice oasis - and I love those colorful playgrounds. Remember how boring (and dangerous) playgrounds were back in the day? Hot metal in the scorching sun...

  11. We've had that extreme weather too, and the smoke, hazy days of summertime! This looks like a lovely place.
