Thursday, July 6, 2023

Chaos Again

I thought that I would show you the corner across Dundas St from yesterday's shot. It is hard to tell in the chaos but the small buildings right on the corner have been torn down giving us a view of St Patrick's Catholic Church. This view will be disappearing soon as construction continues on yet another condo building. The city is changing so much.


  1. All those wires look so confusing. The amount of growth is staggering.

  2. Not the point, but awww, the tram looks like ours, red-white.
    Hm. Here it´s rather the opposite. Shops close and nothing new is coming in.

  3. and they call it progress. :)

  4. It just goes on and on forever. Like my city Melbourne here.

  5. It does look chaotic. I am just wondering if any of your older trams are still running, as they were in 2015?

  6. Too bad a new condo building is going up on this corner blocking the view of the church. It will not be a good addition to the city.

  7. Once on returning from a trip into Cambridge (UK) my granny was heard to say "It'll be nice, if they ever finish it". Well, they haven't finished it yet!

  8. And I must say there was no shortage of traffic lights.
