Sunday, August 6, 2023

Bridge At James Gardens

 On one of the hot & muggy days a couple of weeks ago it seemed like a good idea to visit James Gardens and say hello to the ducks. It was surprising to find the pond empty of ducks & Canada Geese but it was still a bit cooler in the shade of the trees and the bridge is always a nice sight.


  1. Pretty scene, I like the bridge.
    Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week.

  2. It's a pretty bridge and reminds me very much of one in a park near here.

  3. Love this photo and composition. Great capture, Pat.

  4. That's a great bridge. I just saw a duck on the beach. That was a surprise. You don't usually see ducks by the ocean.

  5. I like your beautiful right sized posts, dear Pat! A nice job. Aloha

  6. Such bridges in recreational areas are a treat.
