Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Having A Drink At The Park

We have rather strict rules about drinking alcohol in public places but the city of Toronto has very recently started a pilot project to allow drinking in some parks that have washroom facilities. It will be nice for people to be able to have a picnic and enjoy a glass of wine. Hopefully the test works out okay and it remains a permanent thing. 

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  1. The flipside of that is homeless people using parks to get wasted in.

  2. ...I don't think that this is allowed here!

  3. Let's hope people are on their best behavior while drinking in the park. It would be good to have a beer with a burger grilled in the park. Interesting that Hillcrest park is only one block from my house here in S.D. Alcohol is forbidden there.

  4. I hope it works too! When I was working in Chicago, they had movies in the park and people would bring food and wine and spread a blanket to watch the movie.

  5. The rule in Stockholm is that you can drink in any park, but you have to behave yourself. Works most of the time.

  6. If anyone can do it right, it's Toronto. Enjoy!

  7. If there are toilets in the park for drinking, people would shoot up drugs in them too

  8. I hope this works out for the community.

  9. It'll be interesting to see how that works out.

  10. A daring position of the city council.

  11. Reminds me of an evening I spent at a "park" in Germany where the main point appeared to be the consumption of vast quantities of beer. :-)

  12. We would need this, too.
    A couple of years ago kids (say 12-14) asked adults to buy them vodka, mixed it with soda and got drunk in the city.
    Reckon police was able to interfere, those kids are gone.
    Other you can drink as much as you want, anywhere and the city put up bottle holders for the kids, so retirees can collect the bottles later to make a bit of money, recycling. A sad thing...

    Good luck with your project, a picnic and a glass of wine sounds good.
