Monday, September 11, 2023

Creatures In The City

 It seems that most utility boxes in the city are being decorated with murals. This one was spotted in the Yorkville neighbourhood and features all kinds of happy creatures. The artist for this one is Erin McCluskey.

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Those colours work so well together. A very tasteful piece of artwork.

  2. Very pretty, love the colours. I've found a few newly painted utility boxes here as well.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.

  3. These utility box murals are a positive addition to the city. Art brings joy to the soul so it is always good to see.

  4. Always fun to see. I wish they would do this in my area.

  5. I really do wish they would start doing that here. I see so many drab utility boxes that could be beautiful and fun like this one.

  6. Are these commissioned, and are the artists remunerated?

  7. Pretty mural and utility box!
    Take care, have a great day and a happy week ahead!

  8. That looks so much better than the plain utility box.

  9. I think painting murals on utility boxes is a fabulous idea. I wish it would catch on in my city. This is a charming, and dare I say "calming" mural, Pat.

  10. Bonito y llamativo mural recordando la naturaleza.
    Un abrazo.
