Saturday, September 9, 2023

Gathering Of Monarchs

I went back to the house where I had seen all the Monarch Butterflies last week and there were just as many of them around if not more than when I first went by. These Blazing Star plants had only about 10 spikes of flowers but each spike had butterflies on it and there were other Monarchs fluttering around the yard. It was wonderful to see. 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world. 


  1. Isn't that wonderful to see! People forget that they need food for their trek south. That's why I keep my wildflowers.

  2. I have never seen anything like this, but I think it is quite wonderful.

  3. And I thought you were entertaining European royalty.
    It's a lovely photo.

  4. I am happy to see Monarchs gathers for their migration south. I have seen a few individuals here, but not the large gatherings I used to see, Sorry about your neighborhood construction workers arriving so early.

  5. Glad to know they are there. I have not seen many butterflies this year.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Pretty flowers and I love the Monarchs.
    I wish I was seeing more Monarchs.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  7. A playground for these beautiful butterflies. Nicely captured, Pat.

  8. What a sight to behold! That plant must be a favorite of the butterflies. You've found a good place to spot them.

  9. Great snap! A whole bunch of Monarchs. That must be a huge kingdom to accommodate all those kings :)
    Happy WE to ya.

  10. What a beautiful scene! I like the action butterfly to the right

  11. This is pretty special. I have blazing stars blooming, but no Monarchs when I am outside. Beautiful photo.
