Monday, September 18, 2023

Summer Days

There was a weekend event in the Yorkville neighbourhood a few weeks ago where Yorkville Ave was closed to traffic and various displays were along the roadway. Perrier had this mural and chairs as part of their display and even though it was a bit cool that day this sure looked like summer. 

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Lovely mural encouraging summer relaxation. I fear these days are slipping away this time of year.

  2. That is very summer looking. It feels warm just looking at it.

  3. Just missing s few people enjoying the day.

  4. Hello,
    It is a fun summer mural, the chairs look comfy.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  5. Summer... but it hardly happened here at all.

  6. Cool! A very bright and showy mural.

  7. I liked the various designs and geometric shapes. Nice to know the P stood for Perrier, the sponsor of the mural. Of course, I should have known from the cushions on the chairs.

  8. This mural does invite to just relax in those chairs. Well done by the advertising guys.

  9. A fun and Summery mural, great colours! Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.
