Wednesday, September 27, 2023

"Yes It Hurts"

I pass by this tattoo shop often but just recently noticed the neon sign they have inside on their wall. "Yes it hurts" is a fabulous thing to be hanging in such a shop don't you think. Plus there is a nice reflection of the cold beer sign from across the street - that is where I was. 

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. I always ask that question when commenting on someone's tattoos. One of these days you should do a selfie and let us see what you look like, maybe in one of those beer places! :D

  2. ...I will NEVER understand tattoos. When I was kid, only drunk sailors had tattoos!

  3. Everyone who steps in the place probably asks the same question. They decided to put it up in neon.

  4. I imagine it does. I've never had a tattoo. I came close once but didn't get around to it.

  5. You see basketball players these days covered in tattoos.

  6. RedPat, you made the right choice. I would always chose beer over a tattoo. I have never understood the attraction of tattoos?

  7. Ya lo creo que tiene que doler...y mucho. No me gustan.
    Buen miƩrcoles.
    Un abrazo.

  8. I'd rather be in a cold beer shop than a tattooist's - and I don't drink!

  9. The tattoo shop looks like a fine dining location

  10. With a memory of some thirty years ago, I'd rather receive a tattoo than visit a dentist.

  11. Not a fan of tattoos, but the sign "Yes it hurts" is funny.

  12. I am amazed at how many people now have tattoos and are also willing to show them. Where it comes from no idea but maybe they feel stronger with one so they can handle the world better. That must explain the rise of so many tattoo studios.

  13. It is good they warn people, I am sure it does hurt.
    Love the reflections in the window.
    Take care, enjoy your day!
