Saturday, November 11, 2023

No Photos Please

 This ginger cat was all over me one day as I was out for a walk. She demanded to be petted and was running between my feet but as soon as I took out my camera she refused to look at me and proceeded to walk away. I tried everything but she didn't want her pic taken.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Cute kitty! She must love the attention but she is camera shy.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  2. Dogs and cats are very picky about who can take their pictures. I wonder why that is.

  3. She knows what she wants and it ain't a photo. :)

  4. When the petting stops, the party is over, and she is gone!

  5. Such a determined little cat! She picked a good person to hang out with, Pat. Aloha

  6. Cats usually are deterred by camera

  7. That's funny! She's shy...or wants things done HER way! lol

  8. Please, no publicity, no publicity.

  9. Haha!! That's exactly how I am when I see someone with a camera.

  10. You said, "she." So what else is new? 😊

  11. Cats is their own boss. My wife loves any orange cat and that one's a beauty.

  12. Hello :=)
    Sorry I'm late visiting but from 10 am on Saturday until now I had no internet. Such a good looking kitty, but it's not unusual for both dogs and cats to be camera shy. My dogs never liked having their photo taken either.

  13. such a pretty coat...but just like my kids, no pics please!!

    i too am way behind...i have been so busy!!
