Wednesday, November 1, 2023

November Theme: My Favourite Part Of Town

The November theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is " My Favourite Part Of Town" and for this one it was hard to decide. There has been so much construction everywhere in Toronto that I find myself wandering the neighbourhoods rather than venturing out to real public spaces. One of my favourite neighbourhoods is the Annex with all its mature trees and interesting old homes so I have chosen this shot along one of the streets in the Annex. The trees block the houses in a long shot but as you walk along you can see lovely homes surrounded by much greenery.

Taking part in the theme. Click HERE to see more favourite places from around the world.


  1. Hello,

    Looks like a pretty neighborhood, I like all the trees.
    Take care, have a great day!

  2. You are right about this being a beautiful street with all those great trees. Lovely fall photo.

  3. I can see why this would be a favorite place to walk. I love streets that look like this.
    If I still lived in Illinois where I was grew up, I would be picking a street that looks very much like this. It was a favorite place to walk when I lived there.

  4. Older neighborhoods with mature trees are the best!
    Have a blessed day!

  5. What a nice looking street with lots of trees.

  6. I always love the leafy part of the town

  7. Mature trees and well maintained quality housing is a formidable combination in making an area pleasant (and expensive).

  8. Oh my goodness I really like this theme, and have missed it, as things have been quite busy in my world! This is a lovely view I can see why you would pick this!
