Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Mother Goose Leads The way

 Mother Goose is the traditional leader of the Santa Claus Parade and this year they had a new Mother Goose which looks to be a Canada Goose. The older float has now been retired. That is Christie Pits Park in the background.

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  1. That is a fine looking Canada goose float. The goose has a red ribbon for Christmas.

  2. ...if it like our Canada Geese it won't be flying south!

  3. I like this new goose. It looks a lot like the ones who hang out around here.

  4. Mother Goose has a great float in the parade!
    Take care, have a great day!

  5. So this is the big TO parade, the one that used to be Eatons back in the dark ages?

  6. Wow, it's a big one. Some work has gone into that.
