Sunday, December 10, 2023

Super Mario and Friends

I am not a big game player but the kids out to watch the Santa Claus Parade probably are and will know all the characters on this float. I was nice that the sun was out that day to show all the colours.


  1. Hello,
    I am sure the kids love the Mario float.
    I am not into the game playing, sometimes I will play the computer games solitaire or mahjong. Happy Sunday, have a great day and happy week!

  2. I am way too old but glad I can enjoy this anyways, if through your blog!

  3. I am not a fan of Mario Brothers video games, but the float is fun and colorful.

  4. You are so right. I bet many of the kids could name them all.

  5. That is a very colourful float.

  6. Glad you enjoyed the sun and the colorful parade my friend. Aloha

  7. Game characters are now communicating with the younger generations more effectively

  8. Mario has been around in one for or another for many decades. I imagine that the present game doesn't look at all like he one that I remember.
