Wednesday, January 17, 2024

At The Art Gallery

 This Keith Haring show is on at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) and this is a show I am planning to see. I love his work and in the meantime there are several different posters up around town advertising the event.

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. ...Keith Haring came a long ways from being a graffiti, subway artist. We can thank conservative Christians for early AIDS death. Thanks Ronald Reagan!

  2. Oh yes, I'd love to see that show too.

  3. I'd go just to see the posters. :-)

  4. I have always enjoyed Keith Haring's art work, and would love to see this show. You found a wonderful sign.

  5. I have never heard of him, I would like to see the exhibit.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. Very nice one. Pity he is gone.
