Monday, January 22, 2024

More Laneway Flowers

The flower mural I showed last Monday was on the side of a house. As I continued along the lane it turned out that there were 2 newly built laneway houses behind it and the artist, Chris Perez, had painted on them too. Perfect for a dull winter day. Notice the cat in the bottom of the right hand side door. He watched me the whole time I was there. 

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Must make it easier for visitors to identify the right house...

  2. ...WOW and the rent is skyhigh.

  3. Looking at the arrangement of windows and doors it's hard to visualise the indoor lay out. Glorious mural though.

  4. Wow, this is beautiful. It's a touch of the tropics to enjoy all year long. I love that cat watching you.

  5. What a lovely tropical mural on this house. I see the house guard cat had you checked out. Great photo.

  6. The cat clearly found you fascinating. Pat

  7. The flowers render the facade elegant

  8. The red flower is striking. Cute with the all seeing cat at the door.

  9. Wow! And a cutie pie watching you.

    In answer to your question at my blog, the February theme day is Street Corners. I checked the CDP Facebook page and the list for the year is posted today. It should be on the main page in the next day or so.

  10. Wow, stunning mural! Very talented artist.
    Cute cat too :)
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.

  11. Hello,
    It is a beautiful mural, I love it!
    I had to look twice to find the cat.
    Take care, have a wonderful day!

  12. Que bonita en verde y rojo está esa fachada. Me encanta.
    Un abrazo.
