Monday, February 12, 2024

Along Davenport Rd

This is the last of the murals by Emily Kewageshig that are on the wall around the hydro station on Davenport Rd.  Davenport follows the route of an old First Nation trail which ran between the Humber River in the west and the Don River in the east. The trail was called Gete-Onigaming which means "at the old portage". Both rivers run right through the city and have wonderful walking trails along their banks.

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Humming birds are a fine subject for a mural, and the one looks great.

  2. Lovely mural. Great colors and lines.

  3. Nice art once again. I had never heard of that trail, not that I ever lived near the heart of the city. I was a suburbs guy.

  4. Love the birds, beautiful mural!
    Take care, enjoy your day and happy week ahead!

  5. The wall that keeps on giving. The birds are lovely.

  6. A very calm, decent one - nice for a change!

  7. Oh that is delicate and beautiful!

  8. Lovely birds :) Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.
