Saturday, February 24, 2024


 We finally got a bit of snow last week but it soon melted around the edges so the geese were still able to find some grass to eat. Many of them stayed here all winter but I have heard reports of people seeing flocks of geese heading home for the spring.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Beautiful birds!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Hello,

    Great shot of the Geese! We usually seeing big flocks of geese here, they also stay year round. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. There is still a flock here. I hear them every morning.
    I loved your comment on my site. I'm so amazed that you got to attend a workshop with Maria Martinez. What a great experience.

  4. Hello :=)

    Canada Geese are such elegant birds and you took a lovely photo of them.

  5. Nuce. Seen a few coming back to Stockholm.

  6. They do seem to eat all the time. But they walk...and eat! Neat photo of the two of them!

  7. Beautiful geese with neck bending in unison

  8. The flock of Canada geese here seem to keep the grass around our church quite short, so they do have their uses!

  9. Canada geese are fun to watch. Many of them stayed in SD this winter as well. Perhaps they read the long range forecast.

  10. Fantastically different birds. Thanks for the photo! Have a good Sunday!

  11. That is an iconic and inspiring shot and so nicely done. Thank you, Pat. Aloha

  12. No geese here. Wouldn't expect them until the middle of March.

  13. Ahh yes, what treats can we eat today!
