Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Howland Court

 I was taking this shot for Signs 2 but the white letters that spell out Howland Court faded into the intricate metal work behind them. I just wanted to show how the scale of these small apartment buildings fits into the Annex neighbourhood. These are in the same block as the houses I showed you last week. The two buildings form a nice courtyard inside where everyone seems to have their bikes parked. Quite different from yesterday's building which is just a short walk away.


  1. ...I have the same problem when I photograph cemetery sign. I linked you in!

  2. Very inviting entrance, makes me feel like walking in to visit the people who live there.

  3. These two brick buildings look like they would fit into the neighborhood very well.

  4. A nice picture Pat. The courtyard is aa good place to be able to park your bike!

  5. Looks like a lovely place to live, cute doggie!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. These buildings are at a much more human scale that yesterday's high-rise. Looks more appealing to me.

  7. The apartment bricks are very lovely look

  8. Two lucky residents have a nice gable over their windows.

  9. Thus every architecture has its appearance according to the spirit of the times, and unfortunately the human scale is increasingly disappearing from the picture.

  10. Beautiful archway and unique design!
