Saturday, March 30, 2024

A Sweet Couple

 There are couples of Canada Geese wandering around all over the city as they get ready to build nests and start a family. This fairly calm pair was spotted at James Gardens and they were paying little attention to the humans which is not always the case as often the geese go into protective mode and become very noisy.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Very cute and I love the sculpture, too. Hope the war(s) stop soon...
    The sunflower sure is a sign for our neighbor, Ukraine, and it was my Dad´s fav flower, too.

  2. Great photo!
    Have a blessed day!
    Happy Easter!

  3. Happy Easter!
    Pretty scene, I like the sculpture and the geese!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  4. They often do this: one watching, the other munching.

  5. It's that time of year! If I get too close to the one's that haunt our parking lot, they hiss at me.

  6. I like the sunflowers in the background.

  7. They are tough birds! Beautiful too. Thank you Pat. Aloha

  8. So cute to see the geese together

  9. Our geese have returned and can be found in our lakes or just standing on the ice.

  10. Buena foto.Estaban muy tranquilos.
    Un abrazo.

  11. they are so sweet...but the sunflowers in the background may be sweater!! that was a great spot for them to wander around and pose for a picture!! happy easter, have a wonderful day!!

  12. Hello :=)
    Lovely photo of the two Canada Geese, and the sculpture of the Sunflowers is lovely too. I hope you and your family had a Happy Easter.
    All the best
