Saturday, March 16, 2024

Nest Building

I wanted to show you the nest that two squirrels have been building and improving for days now. It is fairly high up in a tree and is getting bigger all the time. You can see one of the squirrels just below the nest towards the right. They are really preparing this nest to last a long time.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. It's that time of the year!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. ...until recently, I didn't know that a squirrel nest was call a drey

  3. They are dedicated to the task at hand.

  4. It looks like the squirrels have big and sturdy nest.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  5. How interesting! I'm always wondering if I'm seeing nests or just a collection of leaves in the trees. I'll have to pay more attention this Spring!

  6. How fascinating to witness the industrious efforts of the squirrels as they build and improve their nest! It's remarkable to see their dedication and ingenuity in preparing it for the future. Thank you for sharing this delightful glimpse into their world!

    Read my new blog post:

  7. I love seeing this, but Genghis (my dog son) may not :)
    Thanks for the visual cues as to where the squirrel is in your picture. Every bit helps these days :):)
    Be well!

  8. I didn't even know squirrels made a nest like a bird's nest.

  9. That is an impressive squirrel nest. Perhaps they are planning a large family.

  10. That's cool. Thanks so much Pat!

  11. They build them so meticulously!

  12. Fortunately, they don't have all those building codes that we humans have to deal with. Nice photo.

  13. i chuckled at s.c.'s comment...she/he must be in construction!! what a beautiful home they are building, with NO GUIDANCE or BUILDING CODES at all, it will probably last a lifetime!! i would have never noticed the squirrel, he/she looks like a branch!!

  14. Enjoyed this really nice photo.
