Saturday, April 20, 2024

Silhouette Of A Squirrel

I always liked those old silhouette portraits of people and this black squirrel against the sky reminded me of them. The squirrel looks like it is hunkered down against the cold wind but it was actually trying to open a really hard nut of some type. 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Interesting photo!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. I love the contrast against the sky...very artsy! Hugs!

  3. Nice shot. Would love to have one of them in my viewfinder.

  4. It's a perfect silhouette. We used to have one of my mother that was made when she was a teenager. I wonder where it is now.

  5. A fine silhouette photo of this squirrel in the tree.

  6. it's a great image...its tail looks like a feather!! have a wonderful weekend!!

  7. The silhouette is looking quite well

  8. ...I was surprised when I first saw your black squirrels. They aren't down here.

  9. Hello :=)
    A fine silhouette of a black squirrel that I don't see where I live. I'm sure no matter how difficult it was to open the nut the squirrel managed to do it. They are very smart creatures and their long teeth and claws are sharp tools.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend
    All the best

  10. Love this. Looks like a "Scherenschnitt", Paper cut!

  11. Point taken :):) And, not showing it to Genghis :)
    Thanks for sharing with all of us. Be well!

  12. Hello
    Sorry I am catching up with my visiting and commenting.
    Neat silhouette capture, the squirrel looks busy with the nut.
    Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.
