Friday, May 24, 2024

Laneway Neighbours


I haven't seen very many laneway houses with another one right beside it. I found these two a little underwhelming as far as design goes - there needs a bit more detail in the one on the left. I left a bit of the neighbouring garage to show you how they have actually been built where a garage has been torn down.


  1. ...I like the one on the right best. The light to the left of the door isn't the proper style.

  2. Interesting design. Wonder if they like each other (the people who live there).

  3. I agree, the one on the left needs a bit more design to it. I love all the windows on the one on the right.

  4. The one on the right looks good to me.

  5. Not much imagination used. I wonder what the 'scrawl' is in the window of the closest one.

  6. I like the monochrome better!
    Have a nice weekend .
