Sunday, June 16, 2024

Ongoing Work


I've been watching the progress of the construction around what was Bloor St United Church which was sold for condo construction. I last showed it a quite a while ago (HERE). All that is left now is the facade and the towers as work goes on behind it.


  1. Ah, that makes sense. I was wondering about renewing an actual church like that.

  2. That would be an interesting place to live.

  3. They've been working on it. I'm not sure I can see yet what the finished project will look like.

  4. That is a major project. I am so glad they are redoing it.

  5. Good maintenance is important for heritage buildings like this

  6. I think it's a good thing that they are keeping the facade. Sort of like an antique car with a brand new engine in it. Aloha, Pat

  7. It would be an interesting place to live.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

  8. It's such a commanding and lovely structure so well worth caring for! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  9. I have mixed feelings about things like this. Too bad the church's time as a church has ended, but I assume it is good that part will be retained as it goes on to a new use. Hope they do an architecturally sympathetic job.
