Tuesday, August 6, 2024

A Fine Restoration


Every time that I go by this building on Davenport Rd I admire the wonderful restoration that has been done of this old storefront. I love that glass detailing over the entrance. The building houses the Cardinal Photography Gallery but I never seem to be there when it is open so haven't been inside.


  1. They did a beautiful job restoring that building. The front still has a "vintage" look to it.

  2. The facade is amazing, beautifully done.

  3. That is a great looking store from an earlier era. You also caught a great reflection in the window.

  4. Your passing admiration is not misplaced. It is handsome, that is not overdone, just stylish.

  5. I agree. That's a little gem Pat Aloha

  6. I am only not sure about the glass between the two shop windows. It looks a bit off the mark here.
