Saturday, August 3, 2024

A Little Damaged


This poor Black Swallowtail Butterfly has had the bottom edge of one of its wings damaged but it didn't seem to be bothering it as it flew around my roof deck going from plant to plant before settling down in some sunshine. We have had some heavy rain storms which may have been the cause of the damage.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. It is a beautiful butterfly and you took a great photo.

  2. Aww, it’s a hard life. But a pretty one.

  3. Always good to see these great looking butterflies. I wish it well, and a good life.

  4. Hopefully it will fly on. They are such delicate and vulnerable creatures, easily wind-tossed.

  5. They seem to be able to survive with injuries like this. I wonder if your rain is from the same weather front that hit Vermont so hard. I've seen photos of the flooding there.

  6. A beautiful butterfly and photo. I hope it will survive.

  7. It's a rough life for a delicate butterfly, although it is still beautiful. We have had some heavy thunderstors here also.

  8. You never know what causes this but I see it quite often too. Beautiful photo!

  9. Let that be a lesson to all of us not to sweat the small stuff or even the big stuff

  10. Lovely butterfly lucky you photographed it!!
    Have a nice weekend!

  11. Hello :)
    Beautiful Swallowtail butterfly and photo. It seems the Swallowtails are especially susceptible to wing injury as I have seen many in this condition. Lets hope it survives, and pollinates lots of flowers.

  12. Always a pleasure to see butterfly

  13. Great that it can still fly. Wonderful photo.

  14. Still looking pretty and a great capture too! Be well.

  15. It always amazes me that such lop-sided individuals can still fly, but I've seen far more damaged butterflies take to the wing. It's a beautiful creature despite the obvious imperfection.

  16. Still a beautiful butterfly.

  17. But it's still alive! Beautiful photo!

  18. this is the type of butterfly i raise. maybe he flew from my house to yours. they love dill, if you plant some, you will see a lot more!!

  19. It is still a beautiful butterfly, great capture! Sorry I am late visiting and commenting. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.
