Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Library Guardians

The entrance to the Lillian H Smith Library is well protected by 2 gorgeous creatures. The library was designed by architect Phillip H Carter and opened in 1995. It is renowned for its collection of early children's literature but also houses other types of books and media.


  1. Ooh, sounds like my kind of place. How encouraging still to have imposing public architecture like this.

  2. I love those guardians and wish there was a pair at the Reference Library and a few other branches. They are so appropriate for Lillian Smith because of the branch's emphasis on children's books, and also for the Merril Collection of Science, Speculative, Fantasy, and whatever else Fiction is part of that collection's official name.
    Do you see the owl hiding at the griffin's side?

  3. Anonymous - I did see the wee owl. Do you know what the other creature is? I haven't been able to get an ID.

  4. Interesting. Will just happened to have brought home a book on Mythology, so I was looking into it. I think it is also a Griffin, but a Lion-Griffin, or it can often be referred to as a Winged Lion.
