Saturday, August 7, 2010

Another Laneway House

This house, called "the Courtyard House", was converted from a contractor's warehouse in a westend laneway into a home and studio for a family of four. A 2nd floor courtyard was cut out of the warehouse to provide light into the centre of the building and a ground floor courtyard leads to a wonderful studio structure - hence the name Courtyard House. The architects were Studio Junction and they were their own clients. The house has had a lot of media attention where shots of the interior can be viewed. (There always seem to be little clothes hanging in the 2nd floor opening.)


  1. The interesting aspect for me is the way the creeper is taking over the outside of the building.

  2. Also love the green all over the exteriro

  3. Love the laneway homes in Toronto. Thanks for posting this one, I have never seen it. Terrific!
