Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Favourite House

I couldn't let summer go by without a shot of one of my favourite houses in Toronto. Located in the Casa Loma area, it was constructed in 1913 and designed by architect J.A. Harvey for Jeremiah Dinwoody. Most of the homes in this part of town were built from 1905 to 1940, many in the Arts and Crafts style but none more successfully than this one. All the proportions work and together with the landscaping it is just beautiful. Would love to sit on one of the porches drinking lemonade watching the world go by!


  1. i too can see myself relaxing on this beautiful porch.

    thanks for the picture.


  2. Loads of lovely homes in this area, but you're right, this is a special one.

  3. I know this house! I used to live in that area and walked past it often - just to look at it and dream....

  4. Yes this is a great house. I grew up there and I love it even more as the years go on. For the first 20 years that I lived there it was covered in wall to wall red carpet. Now my parents took out the carpet to reveal the beautiful hardwood underneath. They also did a number on the back of the house but as you can see they left the front in its original condition.

  5. Wow... it looks so different without snow!

  6. A magnificent sight indeed! It is so tranquil, one can almost hear the birds sing in that garden �� @pd, covered in red carpet... I can almost imagine the beauty... so curious if the back of the house was redone in a similar arts and crafts style, and if it turned out to be as pretty as the front view?
