Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lounging with Kitty in Yorkville

Another pic from outside a Yorkville gallery. This bronze sculpture, titled "Ze'ev With Cat", is by artist Boaz Vaadia and continues his work that began by using flat sheets of stone carved and then piled to form his shapes. He now sculpts and then casts in bronze to achieve the same look.


  1. Very interesting and creative! The sculptures have very nice lines, I love the result!
    Beautiful shot, the scupltures match with the brick wall.

  2. nice one!! i saw two works of him here close to boston, in the De Cordova Sculpture park... if ever in the neighbourhood, more than worth to stop by there!!

  3. This reminds me of a 'Harry Potter head' kit that my son bought when younger, at the height of Harry Potter mania. You built up a model of Harry's head by placing thin card shapes one on top of the other, giving an effect like this sculpture. It was one of those kits which involve minimal skill, and when finished languished on a shelf for a few years before being added to the allotment compost bin. Probably the most useful part of its life.

  4. Another interesting art concept. I like it.
