Monday, November 29, 2010

Fountain at Metro Hall

This sculpture/fountain at Metro Hall on King St in the theatre district has the strange title of "The Poet, The Fever Hospital" - who knows? By Toronto artist, Bernie Miller, the sculpture of black granite, galvanized steel and bronze was installed in 1992. It is quite majestic with the water flowing into a reflecting pool and situated between Roy Thomson Hall and Metro Hall.
*A follower has directed me to info that this was the site of the Toronto Fever Hospital opened in 1847 to care for Irish escapees from the potato famine who were arriving ill with various fevers. Thanks. Title makes sense now!


  1. I like the flow of the curve and the way you fit it into the photo with the building in the background.

  2. It's interesting how the sculpture combines with the building.
    Good composition! ;-)

  3. I like all the shapes in this fountain. It is very interesting.

  4. Whenever I have a fever I start to think weird stuff up in my mind. Perhaps that's what happened when the artist got this idea!
