Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pretty in Pink

On a dull afternoon last week, I happened upon this house and the pink door and the accessories really caught my eye. Wonder if they have a lot of pink inside?


  1. It seems that the owner of this house is not afraid to try different things. ;-)
    It's not my cup of tea, but I admire the creativity!
    Have a nice weekend.

  2. Lucia - Me too. I am not a pink/lion statue person but it is striking!

  3. So much more interesting than another ordinary door obscured by sameness!

  4. I wonder if she sells Mary Kay cosmetics and drives a PINK Cadillac?! Fun doorway find!

  5. Well if you lived there and gave directions your guest would never get lost. Nice shot!

  6. So many people, and so many different identities
    Pretty picture!
    Nice catch!

  7. What fun, reminds me of houses in Halifax.

  8. I love it! It is so pretty. I wonder if my husband will agree to pointing our door the same colour...

    Have a great start to your week!

    Many thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and leaving your comment. Come visit again tomorrow!

  9. Hi! Great pics ; ) Can you tell me where this house with the pink door is? I must visit it! Also, are you on instagram, so that I can follow your toronto pics?

