Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Burton Christmas Window

I had to stand out on busy King St to fit this display in the shot but survived that adventure. You may have to click on the pic to see the detail of the Christmas Tree-eating monster. He has lips that Mick Jagger would envy! Tim Burton designed the display to be redecorated for the appropriate seasons during the run of his show. Not your typical sugary Christmas window.


  1. This is a very creative, and beautiful Christmas window!
    I love the sense of humour!!!
    I'm very glad to know that Canadians are very polite drivers. ;-)

  2. very Burtonesque.
    I went to NYC to see this show at MoMa and highly recommend it (had I only known....)

  3. Yup, you're a true blogger if you're standing in the middle of the road to take a photo.

    I can understand the Christmas tree eating urge...

  4. Wow a Tim Burton window! I love it.
