Friday, December 31, 2010

"The Wall" at the Medical Science Building

Just up the stairs visible to the right in yesterday's pic, you will find this incredible wall/sculpture of cast concrete. The arts budget of the Med Sci was spent on thousands of cast concrete panels cladding the exterior of the building and this section has to be the best! By artist Robert Downing it was part of his continuing 'cube' series and was installed in 1967 as part of the building's construction.
I wish everyone a Happy New Year - enjoy, be safe, and prosper! Thanks for all the wonderful comments throughout the year and "hurray" to all.


  1. Very interesting, I've never seeing something like this!

    Thanks for the votes! I wish you and yours a very Happy New Year, and a 2011 full of love, health, joy, friends, art and pictures! ;-)

  2. This looks great, and a bit similar to a photo I took at the Haninge cultural centre a few months ago.

  3. Great picture! Looks like a whole lot of left over Christmas presents.

    Happy New Year! And here's wishing you all the best in 2011!

  4. This is a great art installation. It reminds me of something I saw at the Tate Modern several years ago!
    Have a wonderful New Year!

  5. Cool stuff!
    Thank you for showing "The Wall"
    Have a Fabulous 2011 Red Pat!
    And thank you for your kind words and nice comments..
    Have a nice evening!!

    ps Your Blog Rocks! ;))

  6. Enjoy the Burton exhibit, keep taking lots of interesting photos, have a Happy New Year,,,Michael

  7. Nice and interesting work and a good piture, thank you:) Happy New Year!

  8. That really is interesting. I like the shadows. Happy New Year!

  9. What a great installation. Happy New Year
