Monday, January 10, 2011

Ascending Women

This sculpture titled, "La Scala" (after the long-time restaurant La Scala previously on this site), was installed in 2003 and features the figures of 9 women ascending an invisible 2 storey high staircase that is wrapped around one of the concrete supports of a condo tower downtown. Each 5' high figure is made of a flat steel side silhouette and a flat steel frontal silhouette that have been intersected to give a 3-D image. The artists are Colette Whiten and Paul Kipps. I love this piece!


  1. Very creative!
    You look to the scuplture and there is a feeling of movement on it. Great!

  2. What a wonderful piece. I really love the concept of women ascending!

  3. I think it is so wonderful that you have so much public art in your city. I love it!

  4. Different. I wonder what happens up where they are going.

  5. Interesting art work, nearest we have here is seagulls on a building in central Leeds.

  6. I love it that you know where so many wonderful outdoor sculptures are! You are amazing!

  7. You find the most amazing sculptures!
