Wednesday, January 26, 2011

College Park Deco

It was so cold on Sunday that I headed inside the nearby College Park for some warmer shots. College park was built between 1928 - 30 (the height of the Art Deco movement) by the Eaton's Department Stores and was intended to become their flagship store but the Depression changed all that and it became a satellite store to the main downtown store until 1977 when it was closed. The building has since been divided up amongst many stores and companies but the wonderful Deco aspects have been maintained. The detail work on the railings and the wonderfully integrated stonework/planter are just samples of the incredible pieces still there! I'll get an outside shot on a warmer day!


  1. Is the auditorium still there? I've never seen it but I've heard quite a bit about it over the years.

  2. It looks a wonderful building, it's a privilege to work on a place like this.

  3. Wayne - yes the auditorium is still there and was restored several years ago. I haven't been in it either - will have to see if I can get peek inside.

  4. Nice capture!
    Pretty picture with that vase!

  5. I also like this photo's composition. I like how the top half of the photo has strong vertical lines and the bottom has the strong diagonal lines. Cool.

    P.S. Thanks for visiting my blog! I, liked looking through your blog, too.

  6. A good photograph. Art deco is a favorite of mine.

  7. I love Art Deco in architecture but not in paintings, funny. Nice shot!

  8. I'm a big fan of art deco architecture

  9. the detail in the stainless steel railings is impressive. gotta love it! i would not have been aware of this detail if it were not for your pic. thanks, i now must go and check it out for myself. great find red pat. thanks again and i love visiting your blog - so much going on in toronto that i would not see if it wasn't for your info.
